18 Country at Tour de Singkarak 2013 Most Awaited Moment

Tour de Singkarak 2013 Most Awaited Moment

Not felt, a year after Day Festival (TDS) held 3 to 9 June 2012.
Day Festival 2013 will be held on June 2 to 9, 2013, followed by 18 States, 22 Cities.

TDS itself was held to introduce the nature Minangkabau, West Sumatera, thus ultimately increasing the number of melancong who come to this auspicious earth.

TDS was attended by participants from 18 countries. Rancana TDS line extension makes the Government of West Sumatra busy straightening the streets to be traversed participants TDS. The roads were damaged and are being addressed and corrected. Especially pathway Padang - Solok who passed still enforced conditions "close-open". Although day Festival event will be held in a few days. Can be set according to plan?

Hotels are still there after the earthquake in 2009 and the new hotels will be chock full of foreign guests and other areas in Indonesia. Flight, too, will be visited by many tourists from various countries in the world who want to watch the Tour de Singkarang, 2013, or even just make a trip, whether planned or not to watch. So who will come to Padang, West Sumatra, please be advised at the beginning of June when the plane ran out of tickets jammed or stuck on impassable roads that cross the bike parade.

Moment was the third time this pivotal moment that pretty much waiting for the interests of their respective businesses. Especially ntuk introduce tourism and culture in West Sumatra to the international world. Do not miss this international event without your participation. Follow her and capture important moments in Padang 2 to 9 June 2013.


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